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Saturday 5 March 2016

New traffic rules in Nairobi to counter traffic jams.

Motorists will be fined up to Sh100,000 if they flout rules on the newly introduced yellow boxes at junctions to ease traffic in the CBD.

City Hall has set a fine of Sh100,000 for driving without due care and attention and Sh50,000 for obstruction.

“Section 49 of the traffic rules states that those who drive without due care and attention be fined Sh100,000 and Sh50,000 for obstruction for first-time offenders,” said the county’s Director of Public Communications, Beryl Okundi.

City Hall drew yellow boxes in all intersections that are notoriously congested such as the intersections along Kenyatta Avenue, Mama Ngina Street, Wabera Street, City Hall Way and most areas where there are X junctions (Crossed junctions).

They are indicated by criss-cross yellow lines painted on the road and are usually found at the junction of two or more roads and at some roundabouts.

Motorists are only allowed to enter a yellow box junction when the exit is clear and there is enough space on the other side of the junction for a vehicle to clear the box completely without stopping.

One can stop at a yellow box junction when turning right and is prevented from turning by oncoming traffic, or by other vehicles waiting to turn right.

They are advised not to simply follow the vehicle in front as it may stop and prevent exit and also not to let other drivers pressure them to enter the box when a clear exit is not available.

                                     Source: Business Daily